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"Animated film inspired by the work of Tadeusz Makowski!" --[malarze.com news--[28.10.2020--01:00
LITTLE FRIENDS is a short animated film directed by Agata Sterczewska, based on the paintings by Tadeusz Makowski.
Makowski's paintings from the collections of the National Museum in Warsaw and the National Museum in Krakow served as the basis for this film.
The film will be available for free starting at www.TadeuszMakowski.com. >>more
"Chodowiecki - a short film on Daniel Chodowiecki" --[malarze.com news--[15.10.2020--19:42
CHODOWIECKI is a short animated documentary directed by Jakub P±czek, dedicated to the artist Daniel Chodowiecki.
All the scenes in the film are composed of animated Daniel Chodowiecki's graphics and works by other artists based on his drawings or his portraits.
For this purpose, the artists' original graphics, borrowed from a private collection in Krakow, were digitized in high resolution, processed, and animated. Chodowiecki was voiced by the famous Polish actor Miroslaw Haniszewski.
The film will be available for free starting on tomorrow at www.Chodowiecki.com. >>more
"Free admission to the exhibition "Generation'80"" --[malarze.com news--[01.12.2010--21:10 We have the pleasure to announce, that admission to the exhibition "Generation'80" is free each day of the week, beside the admission rates to the other exhibitions.
time: 1st December 2010 - 16th January 2011
place: National Museum, the Main Building, Cracow >>more
"Welcome to the exhibition season!" --[malarze.com news--[15.05.2010--02:01 Season of exhibitions in 2010 has already begun. >>more
"New Year, New Exhibitions" --[malarze.com news--[22.01.2008--18:19 2008 starts in Polish museums as not many of previous years. malarze.com recommends following of the new exhibitions: "Trip to the Between Wars", National Museum, Warsaw, Poland, 17th of January – 30th of March 2008; "Zygmunt Pronaszko. Works from the collections of the National Museum in Cracow", National Museum, Cracow, Poland, 17th of January – 30th of March 2008; "Danuta Leszczyńska-Kluza. Past – Future", ZPAP Gallery, Cracow, Poland, till the end of January 2008. >>more
"New works and new reproductions" --[malarze.com news--[02.11.2007--10:11 Beside the fact that malarze.com offers you new additions every week, we continue our successful proccess of replacing old reproductions with their newer, more faithful and better versions. In case of the new paintings we concentrate on supplementing galleries of already added artists, so they would be more complete encountering their lifetime achievements. In connection to this we enriched the galleries of Stanislaw Wyspianski, Jozef Pankiewicz, Andrzej Wroblewski, Henryk Siemiradzki, Magdalena Abakanowicz and many others. Relaying on that policy the number of new artists at malarze.com will be temporarily small. >>more
"End of the Translocation" --[malarze.com news--[06.05.2007--11:36 Today translocation of the site has ended. Now it's available several times faster and better, from the biggest server-rooms in Poland. All the domains are directed to the new server. However during the moving some problems might have occurred, that's why we'd like to ask all the viewers to inform us about any malfunctions in the site content, like for example missing reproductions. Thank you. We'd like also to apologize again for the past inconveniences in accessing malarze.com. >>more
"Access problems" --[malarze.com news--[04.05.2007--17:06 Due to the problems with accessing malarze.com that have occurred during last 7 days we've decided to change physical location of the server on which the site is installed. We'd like to apologize for all inconveniences it might cause during next 48h. >>more
"Siemiradzki's Exhibition in Stalowa Wola" --[malarze.com news--[24.04.2007--13:52
Henryk Siemiradzki for years cursed and criticized, who during his life used to be most admired artist of his times, now is regaining his fame. His paintings are breaking the auction records (mainly thanks to the new Russian millionaires who buy his paintings and consider him as Russian, charging Poles with stealing the artist and his artwork from them). Artists always considered himself as Polish. On the 27th of April 2007 in the Regional Museum in Stalowa Wola will be oppened exhibition "Unknown Siemiradzki". malarze.com is a media patron of this event... >>more
"Night of Museums in Cracow 2007" --[malarze.com news--[16.04.2007--10:55
As one of the first we publish the date and the program of this year's Night of Museums in Cracow. The date is the night of the 18th May, precise program is available in Polish version. >>more
"Shepherd by Eugeniusz Zak in the Art Institute of Chicago" --[malarze.com news--[21.02.2007--09:01
Today new article by Magdalena Korybska, on the masterpieces of Polish art in American collections, has appeared on malarze.com. At this time its topic is a painting entitled "Shepherd" by Eugeniusz Zak in the collections of the Art Institute of Chicago. >>more
"Appeal of the National Museum in Cracow" --[malarze.com news--[28.10.2006--12:03
National Museum in Cracow would like to make following appeal to all the owners of works by Zbylut Grzywacz:
In 2008 the National Museum in Kraków organizes the first posthumous, retrospective exhibition of Zbylut Grzywacz. The exhibition will be accompanied with a catalogue of the Painter’s complete oeuvre.
There is a great request to all who possess the Artist’s works to inform the Museum about it.
We guarantee anonymity and discretion. >>more
"New Gierymski's painting in the collections of Cracow's National Museum!" --[malarze.com news--[30.08.2006--19:33
National Musem in Cracow has acquired a new object to its collection of the works by Aleksander Gierymski. Collection numbering 21 paintings will be supplemented by view of "Villa Borghese", also known as "Pines in Villa Borghese", thanks to the support of Polish Ministry of Culture. This landscape has been painted by Gierymski on canvas between 1895 and 1900 and measures 34,5 to 51,5 cm. >>more
"Pankiewicz now in Cracow. Rafal Malczewski is coming soon..." --[malarze.com news--[07.06.2006--12:23
In the beginning of this year National Museum in Warsaw has presented great retrospective exhibition of Jozef Pankiewicz. Exhibited were over 200 canvases, 150 drawings and 100 graphics by this artist. Now this exhibition will be shown in the rooms of Cracow's National Museum, which has loaned the biggest part of presented canvases. For those who felt angry because of the compulsion to go to Warsaw to see the best exhibitions of Polish art there is also a good news - at the end of 2006 the exhibition of Rafal Malczewski, shown now in Warsaw, will be presented in Cracow! >>more
"Harvesters Rest saved!" --[malarze.com news--[02.06.2006--11:49
Till the 4th of June Silesian Museum in Katowice has been showing the latest fruit of the work of its art conservators. It’s a preserved or in fact even saved painting by Wincenty Wodzinowski entitled "Harvesters Rest" also known as "The Player". This oil painting of c.1896 was loaned by Lviv’s Picture Gallery and as, unhappily, most of the paintings of its collections was in dramatic condition. Introductory abduction of the painting has shown 20 centimeters long render of the canvas nearby its left edge. >>more
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