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[sort on epoques]
--[B --[Marcello Bacciarelli, (16.02.1731-05.01.1818) >> "Portrait of Apolonia Poniatowska with her Son Stanislaw" >> "Portrait of King Stanislaus Augustus in a Coronation Costume" >> "Portrait of King Stanislaus Augustus Poniatowski with an Hourglass" >> "Prussian Tribute" >> "Self-Portrait"
--[Stanislaw Baginski, (1876-1948) >> "Disarming German Soldiers"
--[Stanislaw Kaczor Batowski, (1866-1946) >> "Battle of Zadworze" >> "Mentona Garavan" >> "Pulaski under Savannah"
--[Bernardo Bellotto known also as Canaletto, (30.01.1721-17.11.1780) >> "Capriccio of the Capitol" >> "Capriccio with the Colosseum" >> "Election of King Stanislaus Augustus" >> "Miodowa Street" >> "New Market Square in Dresden" >> "Salesian Nuns Church in Warsaw" >> "The Ruins of the Old Kreuzkirche in Dresden" >> "View of Dresden" >> "View of Krakowskie Przedmiescie from the Cracow's Gate" >> "View of the Gazzada" >> "View of Verona and the River Adige from the Ponte Nuovo" >> "View of Warsaw from Praga" >> "View of Warsaw from Praga, detail - Canaletto and King Stanislaus Augustus" >> "View of Warsaw from the Terrace of the Royal Castle in Warsaw" >> "View with the Villa Melzi d'Eril" >> "Zwinger Waterway"
--[Jan Berdyszak, (1934-) >> "Transparent and Inaccessible I" >> "Transparent with Line VIII D" >> "Untitled" >> "Untitled"
--[Henryk Berlewi (Berlevi), (1894-1967) >> "Circle and Square in a Space"
--[Henryka Beyer, (-) >> "Flower Bouquet in a Vase"
--[Boleslaw Biegas, (1877-1954) >> "World"
--[Olgierd Bierwiaczonek, (30.08.1925-06.02.2007) >> "Existential Blues" >> "Meal" >> "Mirrored Self-Portrait"
--[Anna Bilinska-Bohdanowiczowa, (1857-1893) >> "Breton Girl on the Doorstep" >> "Portrait of a Young Woman with a Rose" >> "Self-Portrait"
--[Jan Antoni Blank-Bialecki, (06.05.1785-20.02.1844) >> "Self-Portrait with Family"
--[Sasza (Szaje) Blonder, (1909-1949) >> "Composition with Figures"
--[Marian Bogusz, (-) >> "Helena Weigel as Brecht's Mutter Courage and Gorki's Mother"
--[Krzysztof Boguszewski, (-1635) >> "St. Martin of Tours"
--[Waclaw Borowski, (1885-1954) >> "Diana" >> "Narcotics"
--[Olga Boznanska, (15.05.1865-26.10.1940) >> "Cathedral in Pisa" >> "Girl with Chrysanthemums" >> "Interior of the Artist's Studio in Cracow" >> "Portrait of a Painter Paul Nauen" >> "Portrait of Children" >> "Portrait of Gabriela Reval" >> "Portrait of Two Children on Steps" >> "Portrait Study of a Woman" >> "Studio Interior"
--[Jozef Brandt, (1841-1915) >> "Capture of a Horse with a Lariat" >> "Capture with a Lariat" >> "Cossack Reconaissance Party" >> "Farewell"
--[Adam Brincken, (-) >> "Between Spaces (What If Stay There?)"
--[Antoni Brodowski, (-) >> "Oedipus and Antigone" >> "Portrait of Aleksander Batowski" >> "Portrait of Anna Radziwill Raczynska"
--[ Brother Albert -> Adam Chmielowski, (1845-1916)
--[Tadeusz Brzozowski, (1918-1990) >> "Galligaskins" >> "Magazine of Requisites"
--[Wlodzimierz Buczek, (1931-1986) >> "Village"
--[Jan Bulas, (1878-1917) >> "Symphonic Concert by the Orkiestra Harmonia"
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