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-- viewed 288844 times

Henryk Siemiradzki
pl: Henryk Siemiradzki
[23.10.1843 Bilhorod - 23.08.1902 Strzalkow near Czestochowa]

>> prints of Henryk Siemiradzki's paintings

-- this site is also accessible through the addresses:
>> www.Siemiradzki.com
>> www.Henryk.Siemiradzki.com

-- search for posters with works by Henryk Siemiradzki

 -- works by Henryk Siemiradzki at malarze.com

-- "Beauty and Love"-- "By a Spring"-- "By a Temple (Idyll)"
-- "Christ in the House of Martha and Mary"-- "Christian Dirce"-- "Country Idyll"
-- "Dance Amongst Daggers"-- "Departure from an Island at Night"-- "Following the Example of the Gods"
-- "Greek Woman"-- "Gypsy"-- "Italian Landscape"
-- "Naiads"-- "Nero’s Torches"-- "Night on the Eve of Ivan Kupala"
-- "Orpheus in the Underworld"-- "Portrait of a Roman Woman"-- "Rest"
-- "Road from Rome to Albano"-- "Roman Idyll"-- "Roman Orgy in the Time of Caesars"
-- "Shepherd Playing Flute"-- "Song of a Slave-Girl"-- "Study of a Old Man's Head"
-- "Study of a Woman's Head"-- "Two Figures by a Statue of Sphinx"
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¤ TeWa ubezpieczenia Kraków ¤ Daniel Schultz ¤ Marian Ruzamski ¤ Tomasz Wiktor painting